Friday, October 14, 2016

Itsy Bitsy Baby Went around the World

Indianna is officially 5 months old in 2 days. She's the queen of my heart and I love her to bits. It's indescribable the amount of love a mother has for her child. I could never have imagined the path that my life was going to take but I'm so very blessed.

Indi's health and progress update up to this point:

Where in the world is Indianna?
  • 14.5 lbs fully clothed with a diaper on.
  • She's grabbing her feet and squealing 
  • Blowing and sputtering spit bubbles 
  • We can pee her in the morning and sometimes catch a poop after a fart or two. T-minus 4 farts then we know she's going to blow
  • She full on belly laughs when we tickle her armpits
  • She is the friendliest baby in the world, and smiles a lot for strangers
  • Indianna is the best sleeper: At night she's out for 5 hour intervals in her own crib. Asleep by 9-9:30pm every night and up again at approx 2:30am, then sleeps again till morning. I'm so blessed.
  • She has tasted everything we eat, but obviously no solids. She loves grapes squirted in her mouth as well as little cherry tomato juice squirts too. She's a fiend for squash and Thanksgiving Mashed potatoes.
  • She loves bath time with her little duckies from Grandnan Lynn
  • Her eyes are still a bluish grey and she runs really hot. I swear her internal temperature is higher than normal. We sweat together when we're in naked in bed. Ugh. Wonder what Panama is going to be like.
  • She loves the Jolly Jumper too. Usually in it for once a day at least. Plus we HAVE to get out of the house at least once a day too otherwise we're dealing with a monster come mid afternoon.
Also I made dinner for the first time last night with her on my back. It was freedom like I haven't felt since she was born. Being hands free without a baby in room crying for attention was a big step. I felt very productive. I'm excited for this new stage of back baby wearing. These are exciting times coming up.

1 comment:

  1. She is such a blessed child to have beautiful loving parents and family😃❤️
