Thursday, November 24, 2016

My little Stinkerbell is already 6 months

She is beautiful. People stop me everywhere I go to tell me how beautiful my baby is. I'm a very proud momma. Started training for my new casual position at the Travel Vaccination and Medical Clinic. It's fun but I see it getting boring, very, very fast. But fun.

Indi has been pushing out two bottom baby teeth for about 3 weeks now. It's so cute, her little baby teeth. She's eaten blueberries and mashed up Minestrone. Oh and she's a huge fan of the squash.

Indi at 6 months asleep on Papa 
Papa has been taking care of her for a couple mornings a week while I'm working and it's working out well. At the moment I'm trying to sleep train her off the boob. I didn't realize but some bad habits are forming with her falling asleep with my boob in her mouth. I can't get her to sleep any other way. Although she's a great sleeper and passes out for good 5-6 hour stretches at night, the later she goes to bed the later she wakes up. I'd like to have an hour or two to myself at night.
Hence me writing this blog at 10:30pm. She only likes to go to bed around 9:30pm. Alas, she's my baby! And she can pretty much do anything she wants cause I LOVE HER THAT MUCH. But the book I'm reading explains it really well and the cry sleep training in the beginning will only help her get her much needed growth sleep in the future. I'm helping her you see when she cries at night. Argh, it sucks.

Anyway, exhausted and elated mom signing off. Another day of rain tomorrow but counting down the days to Panama on 15 Jan! Ps. Check out the photo below. This was at Casa Ramirez in Panama. Our first day in Panama in 2013. My how time has changed.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, how time has changed. We are so blessed and lucky to be where we need to be and where we want to be.
    Thank you Mel,Julian and Indianna for sharing your life with us this year in B. C.
    Have a fantastic holiday when you see your folks in Panama.

    Miss you already.

    Grandma and Grandpa xxoo
