Thursday, December 15, 2016

No new little baby cousins yet

Indianna is getting excited for 3 things:

1- Her new little cousin that is coming into this world. Already making a fashionably late appearance. 10 days late to be exact. Come on lil buddy we're all waiting for you.

2- Her first Christmas with presents and trees and candy and snow.

3- Her first overseas trip to Panama. She's been trying on all sorts of outfits for the beach and the hikes and the downtown city life. She's a little bit worried about the tanlines from the diapers and considering learning to potty train so she doesn't have to wear one. What a big girl!

She's getting her first two top teeth at this stage of her life. The big 7 monther that she is. She's also taking a real fancy to riding on moms back all day, except when she's nursing or sucking back yummy organic food that we have so carefully prepared for her. Seriously, only our baby gets the best stuff.

Indi is proving to be a very happy baby. Always smiling and happy to meet strangers. One woman at the bookstore couldn't take her eyes off Indi. She said " Wow. Your baby is really cute. I mean really cute. What a lil munchkin face!". Yup there you have it folks my lil munchkin getting too cute for her own good. I mean look at this picture.....
7 months going on 16

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