Thursday, June 29, 2017

First day of Spring

Well it's 22 March and we've just arrived home from being in Panama for 2 months. And once again I regret not bringing my computer. It would have been useful to set up my iPhone, store my pictures and keep up with this blog. Alas, I went with the intention to disconnect and that I did.

Indianna had quite the experience traveling internationally at 8 months old. She was a spectacular traveler from the first flight, to the connections in Mexico City, through all the hundreds of bus rides right to the last flight landing into Vancouver at 10pm. She was the sweetest, quietest baby traveler and the whole plane recognized this upon landing.

I even wrote up a little note and attached a chocolate bar in case Indi decided to be a real pain in the bum, but she wasn't and alas, i had to eat those chocolate bars.

We rented a car at the airport and headed straight to the inlaws house the very day we landed arriving to our destination at a fabulous 9pm just in time for pizza.

We spent the first month laying around the house. Indianna went into the warm tropical ocean for the first time, cut 2 more teeth for a total now of 6 teeth and learned to crawl. All in the first month we were there.
She loved to point at the banana trees, and the spiders. She loved to sit in the little pool and eat sand and rocks.

Unfortunately, the bugs like soft little baby skin and especially soft little baby Indianna skin. But we organized our room with mosquito nets and we armed ourself with natural bug dope and the bites went away.

We spent one week traveling up to Costa Rica at the beginning of Feb which was a treat. We stayed in hostels, and an upgraded suite in Puerto Jimenez. Julian showed us his old stomping grounds where he learnt to surf. The swell was as small and flat as it could have been but I got an idea of how beautiful it was. And how long it took to get out there. We stayed in a party hostel in Dominical then up to the mountains to visit Brad and Nicki. Which was the reason for our trip and beyond spectacular.

Once we bussed back to Panama, Lindy and JP left for Colombia the next day. We had 2 weeks of bliss and barking dogs on the beach. It was a blast. I perfected pina coladas and iced coffee. We met a lady with her two kids who was having a mental breakdown and I befriended her. Ugh. Sometimes I'm too friendly.

Once the rents came home, we had a lovely visit with my cousins. We met them in Santiago and took off to Santa Catalina. Overall it was the most sleepless, relaxing, exhausting, hot and sweaty, entertaining and enlightening trip I've had in awhile. Tell ya traveling with an infant and my hubby sure beats traveling alone.

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