Friday, February 2, 2018

My little big baby

It's the end of November and Indianna will be 19 months soon. She's growing up so quickly.

She can say Turtle, Up, Down, Joey, Toes, Bath, Blanket - without the K, and a lot more little words. She loves the book Cars, Trucks and Things that go. She loooooves crayons and bath time. She gone on the potty a few times here and a lot more for Nana and Grandpa.
She can dance and twirl and splash in puddles. We go to the local pool sometimes and she "kicks, kicks" in the water. 

Julian had his Hip Replacement surgery on 16 November. It's been one week and a couple days post op. My parents have been so helpful. They took for the first whole week that he was home and out of the hospital. 
So far so good. It's a lot of work with the baby etc but it's going to be worth it in the long run.

 I've been looking into buying medical marijuana stock for the past month. Trying to get onboard for the big legalization station coming to Canada in 2018. There is going to be big changes for weed in the coming years. The stocks I've been looking at are Canopy Growth Corp, Aurora and Emerald. They're all about $5 - $20 a share. I'd be interested to see where this all goes in 20 years time. Indianna is going to be growing up in a much different world with Legal Weed, Technology and Global warming with floods and fires.

I think it's an exciting time though. We're all going to get a real taste of the resilient nature of humans. For xmas I think we're just going to take it easy here. Most likely have a little dinner here and possibly a tree. I'm still working part time at the Travel Clinic, so we're not making a lot of cash. Julian's recovering for the next few months and hopefully his Ei comes in from the months he worked away on the boat. He was gone 3 weeks this summer to NFLD, right in the middle of August. That was fun. NOT! I had the whole garden to deal with, a 15 month old baby and a needy dog. Now, just take away the garden but add fleeting stormy days of rain, a broken heater in the cruiser and a disabled hubby plus an almost 2 year old. Ugh. I truly believe God doesn't toss you anything you can't handle so I'm stepping it up. Next thing is I ordered 7 paintings from Cambodia now I have to learn how to make frames and sell these babies to Yoga studios. 

Maybe make some extra cash. I paid $200 for 7. So if I can learn to make frames then I might be able to sell them each for $65. In the end i ended up making some canvas stretchers for 3 and hanging them in our house. Don't know how much money I'll make but the paintings are really cool and I've learnt a lot about canvas stretchers. Maybe I'll actually start painting my own.

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