Sunday, August 14, 2016

Miracle on 1150 1st Street

My contractions started on Sunday evening around 4pm. Very sporadic and random. Wasn't even sure that was what they were. Julian was at Marcus' and I called him and ask him to get me some tylenol on the way home. I called Laya and she said take a gravel at night to help me sleep and some tylenol and call her in the morning.

That was the worst night of my life. I couldn't get comfortable, I went from our room to the basement room to the bathtub into the shower and back again 'till 6am at which time I called Laya. She arrived around 7:30 am and my contractions were approx one minute long every 5 mins. Painfully fuckers.

Anyhow, my parents arrived at around 9am and sat at the kitchen table watching me pace back and forth in pain until about 2pm. Then my contractions just stopped. Our whole bedroom was set up for a home birth and I was ready but my mind and body weren't. I climbed up and down the stairs a million times, went out to the garden to relax but nothing. I was worried what if this poor little baby is stuck. Laya said she was under the law to admit me to hospital b/c she can't exactly go in and move the baby into position. If there were complications she would be liable... blah blah blah.

We all headed to the hospital where I was strapped in and given some drugs to kickstart the contractions again. Then the gyno examined me and said the scar tissue at my cervix was stopping me from getting fully dilated. As well as the position of the babies head was not fitting through my pelvic bones.
I was 9 cm dilated but they decided that babies heart rate was low and she was under quite a bit of stress. Not to mention that I had been up now for 24 hours and under nourished. I had a total of one glass of maple water during that time. The caesarean must be preformed and at this point I was like "GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME DAMMIT!!"
They rolled me into the surgery room and gave me an epidural. Weirdest feeling in the world where you can't feel your legs and cut me open to pull out my baby miracle girl. Julian was right by my side the whole time. Not the natural birth of my dreams but a healthy beautiful girl none the less. Indianna was born at 7pm on May 16th and I stayed in the hospital for 2 days afterward then back again b/c she had jaundice. It was quite the ride and I couldn't have done it alone. Well I guess I could have but definitely didn't want to. So much love here.

Back at the hospital getting UV treatment for Jaundice

At the hospital

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