Saturday, May 14, 2016

False Alarm

After a visit with Laya at the hospital yesterday she tested my "leakage" and it's just the extra juices flowing from me b/c I'm getting ripe.

There was no amniotic fluid detected. Therefore, false alarm. We proceeded to head out down the street for 2 scoops of Gelato on a waffle cone. Julian had Dolce Latte and White Raspberry Chocolate, and I had Cherry and Chocolate. Mmmmm heaven in your mouth.

Newest names to consider are : Desmond, River and Solomon. Well River has always been a fav. I also like Topaz, Opal, Ayo, and Ayana.

I'm feeling pre contractions kinda of or whatever it is it's only happens every so often. Maybe 4 a day, and I'm super leaky too. But I think the body is just doing it's job and getting ready for the inevitable miracle explosion.
I'm officially 39 weeks tomorrow according to the docs, midwives and ultrasounds.

Put the crib together yesterday, so I'm ready. Bring it on!

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