Friday, March 4, 2016

Pinch, punch, 1st of the month

Pregnancy Cocktails

It was the first day of March yesterday and spring is just around the corner. So is my baby. Well not really but it's getting closer and closer and closer by the minute. I'm approx 28 weeks now and I'm still feeling great.
At the midwife appt the other day, baby was head was in my ribs and the little bum was just down at the bottom of my belly button. Baby is still in breach position but should turn around any day now.
Head down is a good place for baby to be by 34 weeks I think so I have a good month to go before I have to start hanging upside down.

Karin was in town this weekend. A quick little visit from a super rad chick always gets my spirits up. She is on her way to becoming and Internationally certified Mountain guide (Alpine, Rock and Ski). One tough chick and it's always a pleasure to feel her strong presence in my midst. Thanks for the visit Karin!

The other day I went for my a glucose test. It's to figure out whether I have gestational diabetes or not. The test is optional of course but I figured I better be safe than sorry. So i opted to get tested on my day off.

Wednesday is a very special day for me. I wake up gently and slowly and usually nurse a very watered down coffee while meandering around the house in my pjs. I water the plants and give some of them their weekly dose of fertilizer.  I might catch something on Youtube that strikes my fancy and indulge in some pregnancy videos or how to breastfeed blogs then off to my Prenatal yoga class at 10am, which I look forward to going to ALL week. A bunch of other baby bumps and a whole lots of stretching. It's a good time. Then I usually get the rest of my errands done during the day, if it's nice out then I'll bike around town and visit thrift stores.

This past Wednesday was a little different story. After yoga and zoomed off the lab to get my testing down. It consists of downing a whole glass of glucose syrup then waiting an hour to get my blood tested to monitor how I processed the syrup. It wasn't my idea of a good time, but I thought to myself "Just this one test then it's over and I don't have to worry."

Well I got the results back today and my midwife said that I tested high. Normal is 7.8 and I tested at 8.7. She said the first test was a screening and now recommends that I do the diagnosis test which consists of MORE gross syrup, 2 more hours in that lab AND 3 vials of blood. Honestly, I think I'm just fine.
I took the test on a nearly empty stomach and my body was just reacting to that crazy amount of syrup they fed me. I'm going to opt out of the diagnostic test and just watch my sugar intact a little more closely. I have no other symptoms of diabetes except for that weird test being a little off.  So, that is my most recent update.

I'm feeling great at 28 weeks. Only 79 days to GO~ I have a few names picked out. For a girl it's Vera. For a boy it's Gardner, Mason and Nile. But that could change completely from now till well ..... it's BIRTHDAY!

Bottoms up! Enjoying pregnancy cocktails is a luxury that we can all afford :)

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