Sunday, March 27, 2016

Bunnies and Babies

Happy Easter Everyone!

This year is definitely the earliest Easter I can ever remember, with the weekend falling on March 26/27 which happens to coincide with Dad's birthday too! It's still pretty chilly outside but the sun is definitely making an appearance and warming up the earth. The garden soil is getting worked and the seeds are getting planted.

The overwintering garlic is coming up nicely, all 200 bulbs :)

Already we've set up a bed for peas, onions, beets, carrots, and of course the greens which include spinach, arugula, and lettuce. There was a bunch of pole beans planted today as well as cilantro in pots on the balcony.
Inside we've started leeks, broccoli, tomatoes and basil. It's going to be a feast for the senses. Oh, not to mention all the strawberry transplants and raspberry shoots awakening for their dormant winter state.

OH!! And the most important seed seed of all the baby is coming along just fine. We're about 32 weeks today and feeling the extra weight for sure. Baby is kicking up a storm ALL THE DAMN time. I have given up trying to prepare since I figure that whatever I will need will eventually come to me down the road. My biggest obstacle at the moment is finding cloth diapers and then hoping that baby latches on to breastfeeding.

I've been reading the book In the Spirit of Homebirth: Modern Women, An Ancient Tradition. The link can be found below:

It's a great read about birth stories. All kinds of stories from 1st births to 7th births in the hospital, in the tub in water etc. It's an empowering read and giving me full confidence to make the decision to stay at home, unmedicated. Babies head is facing down now according to the midwife. Until the next update, go forth and grow happy and heathy.
With love from us xoxoxoxox

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