Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Midwife Home Visit

Yesterday after work, March 19 I had the pleasure of getting my first home visit from our Midwife Laya. She is a longtime friend of Julian and now part of our family.
She has studied Midwifery in Uganda and been fascinated by childbirth practically her whole life.

During this visit she checked my blood pressure, the babies heartbeat, and pushed around on my belly. The results being that my blood pressure is really low and the baby is now facing down. His head near my pubis bone and his little bum at my bellybutton and the feet are hanging out near my ribs.
The baby's heart rate was 140. Which is really good. The normal heart rate is supposed to be from 110 to 160.

I have approximately a month left of work. I'm hoping to get those 600 hours just in time for the beginning of May so in my 9th month I will be able to laze around, and prepare for the imminent adventure of a lifetime. I feel so blessed. But tired. So worn out now. Baby is pushing on my stomach every hour. Kicking around and running a marathon in there. I slept from 7pm to 7am last night. 12 hours!! My feet are swelling and I'm always thirsty. But that is the extent I'm going to let myself complain, because ultimately I'm too happy to be grumpy.

How could you ever be grumpy when you're carrying around a lil miracle??!

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