Monday, May 9, 2016

My very first mothers day

Today is a very special day. 
Today, I can say I celebrated my very first mothers day. 

At 38 weeks, the countdown has begun. I haven't felt any contractions yet or even really know what to look for in the beginning for the first signs of labour. I do know that I'm feeling mighty round and bulbous. No real swelling to talk of but the most wildly vivid dreams about babies and children and the act of making them.... I won't get into great detail but it's definitely an interesting way to wake up in the morning.

Spend some time with my lovely parents yesterday for mothers day and my partner Julian and our friend Cayman. It was really chilled out and relaxing. I find myself slowing down these days although the garden season is just ramping up.

The hardware to the crib is in the mail and should be arriving anyway now. Once the crib is put together then we can visualize the baby sleeping in it and it makes everything all that much more real.

There are so many projects on the go including selling my 97 volkswagen, fixing up my house and raising the rent, and trying to process as much possible food from the garden as possible to store for winter. Needless to say life is just getting more and more exciting everyday :)

Julian just mentioned that one of his moms fav names for a girl is Asia. I really like that name too. We haven't come up with any names yet, just tossing around some ideas.

The other day we went to Powell River for a lovely visit with the inlays. Trista made us Quinoa Chocolate Cake AND Carrot Cake. It was epic. She has 3 boys under the age of 3. Tobin(3), Rowan(2) and Riel(2) and truly is an amazing person. Eden definitely does his fair share too. What a power couple.

While we were visiting  PR, Jules and I went for a walk on the beach before the ferry and Julian found a quarter. The quarter had a picture of a man name Brock. Apparently, the Brock on the coin was Sir Issac Brock a general from the war of 1812. I thought about it and mentioned " That would be a cool name for a kid". Julian mentioned that there is a ultimate fighting champion who is a bit of a meathead. But then he said possibly Brock would be a good name. Brock Leblanc. Middle name : Lee.

We have quite a sense of humour. It has gotten many laughs from our friends. Ok. Over and out until next time.

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