Friday, April 29, 2016

Visualizations and post ultrasound at 37ish weeks

Baby is in perfect condition. Head down, bum up.

There was no need for alarm. I'm frustrated with my Midwife Joanne and her quick reaction to send me to the Hospital right away on a hunch that the baby was breach. I would have expected her to want to consult the other midwives first in this circumstance. Of course, I can understand her concern but I mean whisking me off to the doctors again at 37 weeks seemed like a bit of a cop out.

I bet most of the midwives at Plum could've touched me the right way to verify the position of the baby. I mean it's been head down now since week 32.

Anyway, off to Powell River today to soak up some sunshine and family time. I'll leave you with my visualization posters for the birth room when we get underway. Apparently it helps a lot to imagine things opening up and getting really big.

Ps. Julian shaved off his beard yesterday, and he looks so buff!

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