Wednesday, April 6, 2016

You are a miracle at 33 weeks and 4 days

Little baby monkey is growing fast and furious. Right now it feels like I weigh an extra pound a day. The kicking and moving never stops and my appetite is fierce.

I have my usual bought of emotion of course. Crying for no reason really, or just letting myself get overwhelmed with the fact that things in my life are about to drastically change. Oh not to mention putting the peanut butter in the cupboard with the mugs and the milk in the pantry instead of the fridge. Baby Brain is real!

Plus, I miss my tummy and wearing nice clothes. Nothing seems to fit no matter how big the Large is. But Julian reminds me that my body won't be like this forever, so enjoy it while it lasts. Which are some great words of wisdom if I'd ever heard any before. 

Overall, it's been a mellow 4 months and I'm definitely looking forward to the adventure. Picked up 6 cloth diapers off Craigslist for $60. I paid $15 for the the Grovia which are $25 brand new. I'm happy with the purchase. Let's hope it holds up to the wee ones poops.

Today ,I have my usual Pre-Natal Yoga class at the Doghouse. It is such a wonderful way to connect with baby. Then we have an Indian buffet lunch with 3 of my favourite people in the world, Julian, Cari and Mike of course ;)
Right afterwards is my midwife appointment with Laya then onto the first of 4 weekly prenatal classes at the Island Health down the street. Julian has been a rock through this and I hope every woman is as lucky as I am to have such support surrounding her during these trying months.

It's my day off of work today, but it's definitely not a day off of life! Everything is moving along fabulously and I couldn't be happier.

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