Thursday, April 28, 2016

37ish weeks

"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear"

This is the latest quote that resonates with me. I truly believe that this child has already taught me more than I will ever be able to teach it. Although I'll do my darnedest to create a safe, loving and creative environment for this little bean.

Joanne, the midwife visited the house today. She tested my blood pressure and told me that everything was under control. I tested negative for group B strep which is an added bonus. Although she poked and prodded my belly and believes that the lil bean has moved around now and is in the breach position. Which is going to make it difficult to give birth naturally, as it's illegal for midwives in BC to deliver a breached baby. Therefore, I'm scheduled for another ultrasound tomorrow morning and we will find out then if it is truly the case.

The options we have then will be discussed but if the midwife can't move the baby to the right position then we will have to look at other medical alternatives.

Yesterday was a glorious day in the sun on Tree Island. We took out Rowans sailboat with his 2 brothers and Cher. It was a perfect 20C and sunny. It was so much fun. Here are a few magical shots.

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