Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday Sunday at 34 weeks

What a gorgeous day! It was 18C and sunny today. I planted some seeds, hung out in a hammock, and made pizza. Emily and baby Maverick came by for a visit.

The baby is an active little monkey and constantly kicking my right side. As I sit here and type this there are some major belly rolls going on down there. I have really, really bad heartburn at the moment too, but that is nothing new. They say that it gets a little more difficult near the end and I can see why. I didn't think that I would be the one to say my feet are swelling or my heartburn in ferocious but I am and it does.

Other than swollen feet, very emotional days after work, heartburn, a little anxiety about how my life is about to change and the kicking, constant hardcore ninja jabs into my side, everything is running smoothly. I have approx 2 more weeks of work to go. Which will be a relief once that is over and I can start to collect maternity. This job is so draining and I'm about to topple over these days. Weighing in at approx 155 lbs. That means I've gained about 40lbs so far in the pregnancy.

I sometimes really thing it's a girl because of all the movement and sideways kicks. Plus all my dreams that I've been having have a little baby boy in them so who knows. We will just have to wait and see. I'm so excited!

We had our first BBQ of the year a couple of nights ago. I picked up some chicken and turkey and Julian smoked everything to divine deliciousness. It was a great surprise to come home to after work.

It's April 10 today and I got a tan at 18C

I am wearing bathing suit bottoms here I swear!

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